LOTTOZERO CULTURE CLUB: Art Residency closing event + Open Day Lab

On Saturday 15 October, Lottozero presents the closing event of the art residency with artists Gvantsa Jishkariani (living in Tiblisi, Georgia), Manuel Resch and Maximilian Maria Willeit, an artist duo originally from Bolzano, based in Berlin. 

Part of the project 'Tangled: Lottozero Culture Club', the residency was born from the desire to activate new creative synergies and socializing opportunities after the forced isolation due to the pandemic, bringing to Prato young artists from different cultural and international contexts, and inviting them to get to know both the productive environment of Prato's textile district and the local art scene: Phase, an artist collective from Prato, has been invited to realize a performance for the final day of the residency.

The event is also an opportunity to open the doors of Lottozero's textile laboratories, in a day dedicated to discovering the techniques it offers. The machinery and tools available in the workshop will be shown, with small demonstrations to explain how they work and the opportunity to try your hand at working with yarns and fabrics.


10.30-13 / 14-17.30: Open Day textile laboratories (booking recommended, please write to
18.00: Performance by Phase
To follow aperitif and dj set

In collaboration with Center for Contemporary Art Luigi Pecci
The project is realized within the framework of Toscanaincontemporanea 2022
Giovanisì - Tuscany Region
A special thanks to the Manifattura Maiano company for the supply of the textile fibres

Alessandra Tempesti