WE MADE IT!! Lottozero reaches crowdfunding goal!
Coralie Prevert

We are overwhelmed by your support and can hardly believe it, with your help and generosity we have reached our goal of 10.000 Euros on our Kickstarter campaign days before schedule.

Our Kickstarter will be online for only three more days, so if you'd like to pick up one of the scarves called Verde di Prato, hurry!  They won't be available later!

Tessa Moroder
This is our KICKSTARTER campaign

Lottozero is on kickstarter with our first collection of silk scarves, which we have produced and made in Italy in anexclusive collaboration with artists and designers. You can be a part of it by pledging your funds and receiving some of our notable rewards. Don't miss out! The results of the kickstarter crowdfunding effort will be used to buy part of the machinery needed in the laboratory.

Tessa Moroder