After months of waiting, we are happy, excited and proud to announce that we WON the culturability tender! We worked SO HARD on this project and could never have done it without the support of so many of you as you stood by us and helped us on this journey. Knowing that we were picked among only 5 projects out of 429 very valid projects that were submitted gives us an increased motivation and passion for the future. (read our interview in Italian here)
An extra special thanks goes to the ones putting in the legwork, critiquing our proposal, taking photos and videos, designing and overall supporting us. Thanks to the culturability team, especially Roberta Franceschinelli, Elisa Paluan, and our tutor Matteo Boccia, we have had the best time in Naples and Bologna with you. Thanks to Fondazione Unipolis, Make a Cube³ Avanzi - Sostenibilità per Azioni and Fondazione Fitzcarraldo for making this all possible. We've grown and learned so much. Last but not least, thanks to our partners Museo del TessutoCittà di PratoFabLab Toscana.
We can't wait to start with the next step of our project, the completion of the textile laboratory. We'll keep you updated!!

Tessa Moroder